Monday, February 13, 2012

Final Score...

Norovirus:  3, Fox Family:  0

Yep, I came down with the funk very early Sunday morning.  Davis and I were at Carolina Beach with my dad and brother and thankfully, they were both very helpful with Davis so that I could lie down and feel miserable in relative peace.  This virus is no joke!  As a parent it is always interesting when you finally catch whatever bug your child just had because then you can say, "Wow, he felt THIS BAD?!?"  And yet, with the way Davis handled it, you would never have known the severity of the symptoms (stomach pains, weakness, fatigue, body aches, etc.) in addition to the obvious ones.  Children are tough!

Fortunately I am feeling much better today, and hopefully I will be almost back to normal by tomorrow.  We did have a great time at the beach before I got sick, though.  We got to play in the sand some, went and saw Uncle Morgan's boat (Davis is still saying "MooMoo bow"), and had a good time just hanging out.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry you got it, too! The beach pics are precious. I hope the first part of your stay was enjoyable at least.
