Thursday, February 28, 2013

Is it spring yet?

I know I shouldn't wish that time would pass any faster, and the truth is, I don't.  I just want spring to begin right now.  We have had more than our share of cooties in this house lately, and I'm ready for some warmer weather, healthy children, and cookin' on the grill.  Poor Reece has a bad cold right now--Davis had it last week--and is just so pitiful.  There's nothing in the world sadder than a sick baby, and especially one who can't even nurse because he's so dang congested.  We're doing all we can (humidifier, saline, booger-getter-outer, pain reliever) but our happy little boy just isn't himself.  Big brother was a trooper last week when he had this stuff, and it barely slowed him down.  Maybe when I get it, he can take care of me!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Valentine's Day

We had a sweet Valentine's Day at the Fox House.  The boys got lots of treats and a few toys, and everyone enjoyed opening their Valentines.  Davis wants us to read his cards to him over and over, and he remembers exactly who gave him each one.  Derek was working first shift last week, so Davis, Reece, and I had a nice little V-Day picnic at the park.

Today it is snowing, and there seems to be some good accumulation happening.  Hopefully we will get to play in it a little more after the boys wake up from their naps...

Everyone's V-Day gifts
Cookies for breakfast?  Sure!

"Chicken-lay" at the park!

It's snowing!

Monday, February 11, 2013


Today I could be in a bit of a funk, as I have cleaned up vomit more times than I can count in the past 36 hours.  I feel terrible for my sweet Davis, who seems to be able to catch a stomach virus from a mile away.  I could (and should) be very afraid of the possibility that the rest of us will end up catching this bug.  I could be griping as I put away the mountains of laundry that seem to be accumulating at warp speed...

Instead, I choose to be grateful.  Grateful for the little blessings in life that we often overlook, and grateful for small victories.  Today's small victory:  I found a crayon in the boys' laundry.  Said crayon was discovered before the clothes made the transition to the dryer.  If you've ever attempted to remove melted crayon from clothing or from the inside of a dryer, you might consider this a large victory.

Sick baby

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


The little boys and I went with G-Ma to Ocean Isle Beach on Thursday and stayed until Sunday.  It was a nice get-away and gave Derek some time to work on school work and his "play house".  (He's currently building a storage building/workshop in the back yard.  Davis calls it "Daddy's play house".)  We didn't mind that it was cold.  We'll go to the beach any old time!   Here are some pictures of our time at the coast...

There's a great park near G-Ma's place.  We went on two different days to play.

Davis was such a brave climber at the park!

My smiley baby boy

My only child who enjoys swinging

We wondered if this might be evidence of a turtle's trek to the's a nice thought anyway!

Pretty view under the pier

Davis on his way to go feed the seagulls

Action shot

...and another one.  He was not in the least bit nervous about the birds being so close...I was!

Pretty birds

Getting ready to leave the beach, as it was getting dark

No, this is not a post card.  Gorgeous sunset!