Thursday, April 14, 2011


It's been a little too long since I last posted.  Davis had a birthday (well, his 10-month birthday) and is off and running...literally.  That boy does not sit still.  Ever.  He's so funny when he walks.  He looks like a little orangutan and usually has a big smile on his face as if he's saying, "I'm doing it, I'm doing it!"  Sometimes he has a clear goal in mind; other times he just goes around in circles.  Either way, it is really cute!

I took little D on a date to Chick-Fil-A last Friday night, as going out to eat is one of his (and my) favorite pass times.  He had so much fun flirting with all the girls and sharing an ice cream cone with me.

Davis' new favorite activity, besides unrolling the toilet paper, is playing with a ball.  He likes to throw it, hand it to someone, and chase after it.  Sometimes I feel like we are playing fetch, but it's okay because we take turns being the dog.

We are headed to downtown Raleigh this weekend to check out a couple of fun-looking events.  There's a Planet Earth celebration near the Capitol and a bluegrass festival at The Pit, both of which look like a great time!  Hopefully the weather will be decent so we can go.


  1. My kids actually have "pet" names and the like for me to pretend they are the dogs and they fetch things for me. Andrew is "Spike", Cole is "Precious" and Addi is "Pookie." Probably not a good sign that when I call them their "pet" name, they start panting...oh well. They think it is fun :-) Love you!

  2. I love it, Laura! By the way, please add me to your blog updates or put in my email so I can receive them. I always have to log in to get on your page. You know I have to do things quick these days:-)

    Loved your update, Leah. Davis is going to have you ready for swimsuit season. I know you are doing lots of chasing these days.

    Hope to see you soon for a park date!

  3. Haha! Just as long as you don't start putting their food in a bowl on the floor...:) Laura, please send your updates to me as well! I'd love to read about your adventures in motherhood. And yes, Anna, let's try to do the park soon. Y'all have a Happy Easter if I don't see you first!
