Monday, August 6, 2012

Down on G-Ma's Farm

We took a trip out to my mom's house on Sunday.  It was a beautiful day and we got some good old fresh country air.  

Davis had fun chasing butterflies and helping G-Ma cook lunch.  

Reece enjoyed riding around strapped to his mama and blowing spit bubbles.  

Derek and I were reminded that we would eventually like to live in a place with more land.  I want my kids to be able to wander and explore and play outside all day.  Derek wants to live in isolation with no neighbors so he can be a real hermit.  To quote Phil from Duck Dynasty, "You need to be able to take a leak in your yard without someone saying, 'Hey, what's he doing?'"  As long as I'm not too far from a Target, I'll be "happy happy"!

This Old House

Davis is dangerous with a spoon.

The butterflies love G-Ma's zinnias.

I need to broaden my photography interests...but with so many pretty flowers and butterflies and babies around, it's hard to find the motivation.

"I just felt like running..."

This hat was intended to keep John Reece out of the sun, not make a fashion statement.

"...So I just kept on running."

Moving on to the next garden

Ha!  Tricked 'em both into falling asleep!

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! We need to coordinate schedules so I can come meet baby John Reese in person before he is as big as Davis! Love the farmhouse; tell your mama I said hey! :)
