Monday, July 30, 2012

Birthday Party

Perhaps the coolest thing in the whole world is seeing my children learn and grow.  My latest favorite part of Davis' development is his imaginative play.  The other afternoon, he invited me to sit down and join his "birthday party".  He had several toys placed on the floor and was making sure each one had a "cupcake".  He had all of his "friends" blow out the candles on their cupcakes and he had me sing "Happy Birthday" to each one.  Talk about precious!  I suggested we give each participant a present, and Davis went and found a gift for everyone and pretended that the party guests were opening them.  I'm going to post a picture of this sweet event because I want to remember it.  I'm going to open myself up for judgement as well, since my floor clearly has dog hair on it (It has since been vacuumed.) and my child clearly has food all over his face.  Oh well...

The scene...Isn't it clear as mud that this is a birthday party?

Reece enjoyed his view from the Mamaroo.

This kid loves to sing "Happy Birthday".

Mr. Penguin and his cupcake.  Looks like he already had a few too many.

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