Monday, August 20, 2012


We have slowly transitioned Reece into wearing mostly cloth diapers!  I have gone back and forth on my feelings about using cloth ever since before Davis was born.  I thought I'd do it, then I decided I wouldn't; I felt guilty about not saving the money and keeping the diapers out of landfills, but then I thought about how much work cloth would be; etc., etc., etc.,...

Fast forward to a few weeks ago when a friend of mine was "destashing" (getting rid of a bunch of her cloth diapers) because her son was almost completely potty trained.  She gave me a great deal on just about everything I needed to get started, and boom!  We were cloth diapering.  It seemed kind of overwhelming (and gross) to me at first, but now I'm so glad we're doing it.  I feel good about the fact that I'm saving us a little cash--cloth diapers have great resale value, so this factor really adds to the cost-savings--and that I'm doing something positive for the environment.  And added bonus:  cloth diapers are really cute!  and chemical free!  and cute!

"Does this diaper make my thighs look chunky?"


  1. You'll have to keep me updated. I have some flips, and bumgenious to try out after a few weeks. I still have concerns about washing in a front load. They are super CUTE though! But, I think Reece kinda makes the outfit :)

  2. I love that you are using cloth diapers! My mom used them on me, and I hope to use them whenever we have a baby. Good luck!
