I'm 35 weeks pregnant as of today. Last week I had to have an additional ultrasound performed as I was said to be "measuring large". Deja vu all over again. I told the doctor, "This is exactly what happened with my first pregnancy." Yet, he insisted that I have the ultrasound done anyway, "just to be sure everything was ok." I stopped myself from pressing him further (because I guess I figured it was better to err on the side of caution), but I really didn't see the point in going to another doctor's appointment to see how big the baby was when I already had a c-section scheduled. I mean, what difference does it make at this point? I'm not going to have to push the baby out, and since we knew the heartbeat was good and strong, I just really didn't understand why this was necessary. (My one major gripe about my OB practice is that I feel like everyone gets the same care, tests, procedures, etc. and it's not a very personalized/individualized experience. IF we decide to have another baby, I think we will find somewhere else to go. This practice did help me to have a healthy baby boy, though, so that is definitely the most important thing.) We went and had the ultrasound last Friday and GUESS WHAT...we're having a big baby! We were told that he is already 6 pounds, 6 ounces and is in the 89th percentile for size. It looks like we're on track to have another Davis-sized boy come May 17. Again, thank the Lord for another healthy boy on the way! Oh, and the ultrasound technician seemed to think this baby has a ton of hair, so we will see in approximately four weeks...
On Sunday, we had a get-together with my oldest girlfriends and their husbands/boyfriends. They came over to our house (from Charlotte, Thomasville, Greensboro, and Greenville--we have really spread out from Wilson!) and we ate and talked all afternoon. It was wonderful, and I'm so glad we all still keep in touch and are a part of each other's lives.
I'm the only one who is actually pregnant; Davis' massive collection of balls came in handy for this photo :) |
That picture is too cute. I don't think you look too big at all. Oh, and your comment about not receiving individualized care makes me laugh too only because we can all relate.