Wednesday, January 18, 2012


D's big boy bed (a mattress on the floor), complete with custom headboard, made by yours truly

Davis is officially weaned.  Wow.  And here's another wow:  He's sleeping through the night!  In some ways I can't believe I am actually able to make those statements, and in other ways, it already seems like a long time has gone by since we last nursed.  (In actual time, it has been almost two weeks.)  I feel so fortunate that we were able to continue our breastfeeding experience for as long as we did.  Not too many people make it to almost 19 months, and I am so proud of this accomplishment.  When I first had Davis, my goal was to make it to one year.  As time went on I started thinking, "Man, I hope we are done by the time he turns two!"  I really thought he was going to have a hard time giving it up, but the transition has been smoother and easier than I could have imagined.  I spent way to much time worrying about how hard this would be and how emotionally damaged it would leave us, and the whole situation just kind of took care of itself.  The best part, in my eyes, is that once we stopped nursing Davis began sleeping much better at night.  He is now sleeping in his own bed in his room by himself.  I am kind of missing our co-sleeping arrangement, but it had gotten to the point that he slept better when he had his own space.  Apparently a 26-pound boy needs an entire full-sized mattress to himself.  I feel so much better now that I'm getting mostly uninterrupted sleep, and I am able to be more productive as well.  It turns out I'm not quite as lazy as I thought...I was just tired!

Riding the bird at the park, having a good ol' time

1 comment:

  1. awww....I know how you feel about the weaning! It turns out to be a wonderful, freeing thing...even better than you anticipate. I'm so glad it was a pretty easy transition for you. It was for us as well, once I made up my mind it was time (which was around the same time you weaned Davis). I went way longer than I expected, but it didn't hurt either one of us, did it? :) So horray for a new milestone in your lives...just in time for you to rest up to get ready to do it again with #2! :)
