Man, the holidays flew by! I feel like just yesterday I was dragging Christmas stuff down from the attic and now I'm already in the process of putting all of it away again. We had a wonderful Christmas around here, though. The festivities began on Christmas Eve Eve at my cousin Holly's house where we got to meet Santa Claus. Milk, cookies, and hot chocolate were served as lots of cute little kids in their pajamas sat on Santa's lap. Davis took to Santa quite well and I hope this event is something that Holly will continue to do each year (or at least until her kids are too old for it) because it was wonderful!
We spent Christmas Eve lunch, as we do each year, at Aunt Bonnie's house and had a delicious meal and some quality visiting time with family. We kept it low-key that night, since we knew we had a marathon to do the next day.
On Christmas morning, it was so much fun to watch Davis open his gifts and play with his new toys. He wanted to stop and play with each toy and really didn't care to move on to the next gift quickly, which was really cute. We got to see the whole family on Christmas day, starting with Grandaddy, then Nana and Papa, and finally Grandmama. Davis was a real trooper and stayed happy almost all day, which was pretty impressive considering all the commotion and traveling going on. Maybe all that yummy food and the presents and the family time were enough to keep him (and us) going.
New Years Eve was one crazy night at the Fox house! We went to dinner with some friends of ours at Sweet Tomatoes, which is one of Davis' favorite places to eat. It's basically a huge buffet full of veggies and carbs, so he can eat two bites of fifty different foods if he wants. Our friends also have a toddler, so they were having a wild night as well. Actually, trying to eat a meal with two children under age two
is pretty wild if you ask me. I don't think anyone at my house was awake to watch the ball drop, but I wouldn't have had it any other way. We enjoyed a quiet, peaceful night at home...and besides, this pregnant mama can't keep her eyes open past ten o'clock anyway.
The holidays just keep getting better and better each year now that we have a little one to share them with. It's hard to believe that next year we will have two sweet boys to snuggle in their Christmas pajamas. We feel so blessed to have our healthy, happy little family and we are so incredibly fortunate to have such wonderful parents/grandparents, siblings, and extended family to join us in these amazing adventures. Life is good.
Muscles! |