Sunday, April 24, 2011


As I was sitting on the den floor watching Davis play and thinking about how blessed we are on this beautiful Easter evening, I happened to check Facebook on my phone and I saw this note posted by a former co-worker/friend.  It was titled, "My Prayer for this Week".  I don't think she reads this blog, but Christine B. is a kindergarten teacher at the school where I taught for the past six years before I decided to stay at home with Davis.  She is a fantastic teacher and an awesome person in general.  She wrote this because my school lost two students in the tornadoes last week, and many other students lost their homes.  All of my former co-workers are facing their first day back from school after spring break tomorrow, and my heart goes out to all of them as they and all of the students attempt to move forward...

Lord, please be with me, my family, and my school family this week. Give us peace, strength, and a positive attitude to deal with the load we have this week. it's going to be hard, but through your power and grace we will do your will. Holy Spirit- surround our Stonybrook families this week and pour out blessings to us as a staff be a blessing to them, their children, and Lord, to each other. Help us, help each other. You know what is ahead of us this week Lord, as a staff. We have never faced this. We are confused, sad, and burdened...but hopeful. I know that it seems impossible to do the work we have to do as teachers, plus be human in the same right. But I claim that through you, we will be victorious this week.Thank you for all of the compassion shown by our staff and complete strangers last week. I am so glad to know that in our differences, positions, etc that we put everything aside to do your work. I feel much closer to staff that because of our schedules and demands of being a teacher, we are unable to share, talk, and reach out to one another.  Thank you for sustaining us.Please surround my children with understanding and give them compassion to show towards their friends.  I love you Lord and I am thankful that you loved me so much to die in my place and rise from the dead, so that one day, I too can rejoice in heaven with Osvaldo, Daniel, Granny Gill, and others that have gone before me.  In Jesus, precious, holy name....Amen.

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