Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Happy Holidays!

Davis had a wonderful first Thanksgiving!  He got to see lots of family and he enjoyed sampling some homemade sweet potatoes and mashed potatoes.  I didn't take many pictures, but we did get a couple of him eating his big boy food.  We have been feeding him some solids for the past couple of weeks because he has been so interested in them.  My plan was to wait until he was six months before feeding him anything besides breastmilk, but he seemed ready so we've been slowly introducing some "real food" and he loves it!  His favorites right now are bananas and sweet potatoes. 

I'm loving this cooler weather and the beautiful scenery that comes with it.  D loves to go on long strolls around the neighborhood with his mom and dad.  The other day, I brought my camera with us so I could get a few pictures before the leaves are all gone...

I'm getting really excited about Christmas this year.  I can't believe Davis is about to have his very first Christmas!  The house is decorated, most of the presents are bought, and now we can just sit back, relax, and observe this holiday season doing many of my favorite things--cooking, eating, and spending time with family and friends.

Today's lesson...Leave wallet at home when going for a walk.  I had dropped off a couple of items to have monogrammed for Christmas presents at a store near our house, and today I decided I'd walk with Davis to go pick them up.  As it turns out, the lady who owns this store also makes really cute baby clothes.  Stay tuned for a picture of Davis in his custom-made Christmas outfit!


  1. Leah, the Christmas decorations look gorgeous! And of course, that Davis is the cutest! Looking forward to (hopefully) seeing you all on Saturday.

  2. Thanks, Holly! We will be there, and we can't wait to see you guys!
