I think I might need to search online for baby anger management classes. While Davis was playing in his cool Baby Einstein thingie this morning (a gift from my good friend, Katie, and her mom), he kept getting super frustrated that he couldn't reach every single toy, so he would scream at the top of his lungs until he was distracted by something else such as accidentally hitting the music button or me physically redirecting him. Luckily he's still really cute even when he's mad. He's the same way with other things, too. If a need or want (at this point, I think they are the same thing) isn't being met right away, he goes ballistic for a second and as soon as we do what he needs us to do, he's all smiles and laughs again. He'll have us trained in no time.
Anyone who spends much time around Davis knows that being still or sitting down is not usually an option and that he knows exactly what he wants (and how to get it). I personally think that it's a good thing and that this trait will serve him well later in life...a mother's love can put a positive spin on just about anything, huh? But seriously, I think he'll be a self-directed, driven, and very passionate person as he grows up. According to Dr. Sears--the baby expert who could start a cult and I'd probably join it--Davis is a "high need" baby. When I read the chapter in his book that talked about fussy or "high need" babies, I felt like I was reading about my child. He shows a definite preference for Derek and me over other people; he isn't "cuddly"; he stays tensed up with his fists clenched most of the time; he has a loud voice to match his strong desires; he is very tuned in to his environment; and he will not accept substitutes for the real thing--no bottles and no pacifiers for this boy. Luckily, I believe in the attachment style of parenting and am loving the fact that Davis is so attached to me and his daddy (even if it is
physically, most of the time), and that he knows he can trust us.
As far as his development goes, I feel like Davis is doing extremely well. He's actually enjoying tummy time now, and he is rolling over almost immediately when we put him on the floor (it's really fun to try to change his diaper now). And he's even wiggling or scooting a couple of feet to get to a toy. He is enjoying the simple things in life, like putting his toes in his mouth, stomping his feet in the bathtub, and getting tickled. He loves it when I lightly run my fingers over his face and tummy, and he gets the cutest little baby goosebumps all over his legs. He's "talking" a lot, mostly making the "guh" sound, with lots of gurgles and tongue rolls and raspberries mixed in. He also coughs for attention now. And he smiles right after he sneezes, which is precious. His favorite toys right now are a little rattle from his cousin, Laura, his Sophie Giraffe, his Baby Einstein "iPod" from Beth, and anything soft and squishy he can put in his mouth.
Okay, time to figure out what to do for lunch--I'm not one of those people who plans out their meals for months in advance...
lesson...When you make a batch of delicious oatmeal cookies, give most of them away immediately, and certainly don't feel the need to grab one
every time you walk through the kitchen. There are only so many more months I will be able to use the "baby weight" excuse.