Friday, January 18, 2013


I'm baaaaaack.  We have none absolutely nothing since Halloween, which is why I haven't blogged.  Okay that's not true.  I've been a little lazy about it.  Here are some pictures to help us catch up!

Playing at White Deer park
Davis playing on the playground at the Hicks Family Christmas Party

Reece at Marbles.  Next time he wants to get down and play!
Davis' first Deacons game
At G-Ma's for a Thanksgiving celebration
Our Christmas card picture for this one!
Thanksgiving at Nana and Papa's

At Lillian's house in Thomasville.  It's so nice to get together with these girls and all the kids!
Mommy and Reecey
Christmas Eve at Aunt Bonnie's.  We got a little too close to nap time, so Davis and Derek didn't make the photo...again.
Figuring out who the alpha-dog is...
One of our favorite places--Jumpin' Jax
Nothing like playing in the rain...
Reece isn't quite sure what to think of Santa Claus
Christmas has arrived!
The boys' big gift from Nana and Papa
Reece's loot
Davis' loot
Loving their new toys!
Davis is really into super heroes these days...Avengers, assemble!
Already going for the remote
Reece in the hat G-Ma made for him
Relaxing day at Lake Benson Park
Davis is excited to throw rocks into the lake.
Hopefully I won't let two and a half months pass before my next update...