We have a birthday for baby boy #2! Unless he decides to come earlier, our second son will be born on May 17, 2012. Funny, he has a set birthday before he has a set name! We have gone around and around trying to figure out a name for this child; it's just not as easy as it was the first time. Oh well, I'm sure we'll come up with something...
We strongly considered trying to do a normal delivery even though I ended up with an emergency c-section when I had Davis, but after hearing several doctors' opinions and doing our own research, we decided that scheduling a c-section this time would be our best option. As one doctor put it, "More than likely you're still going to have the 'small pelvis/big baby' problem." Another doctor said that trying to do a vaginal delivery after having a c-section was more of an option for moms whose baby was breech or moms who never had a good shot at labor with their first child. I had a good go at labor, I dilated fully, and Davis (and his big head) just wouldn't come on down. My mom had pretty much the exact same issues when having my brother, and she ended up with a cesarean, too. Oh, and another thing...having one child already made me really think about what's safest for me and my body, as well as what will be safest for the baby, and I figure Davis and the new baby kinda need me to be around and to be as healthy as I can be...
So, we will be checking in at Hotel Rex on May 17 at 10:30am and will hopefully have the surgery at 12:30pm. Until then, we'll start getting the baby clothes out of the attic, making lists of things to do, and getting excited about adding another precious boy to our family!